Dirrty Gossip:

Beyonce's Promo Pics


Dirrty Gossip: Beyonce's New Promo Pics

MEOW! Much love, Airotciv Faghag Of The Century

Dirrty Gossip:

Lady Gaga Vs Christina Aguilera


Dirrty Gossip: Lady Gaga Vs Christina Aguilera

So Xtina has been said to have been copying Lady Gaga's style and look. They both have the same hair style for a start as we all know. During Xtina's interview with the LA Times, she was asked about her copying Qns: What do you say to those on the internet who are hinting that you borrowed Lady Gaga's look? "You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person [Lady Gaga] was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect." Now now, this is not a time for two talented little girls to have a catfight over who is copying who. I think Xtina and Lady Gaga are talented in their own ways, and Xtina has a great voice,she doesn't need to copy. Unlike some.... delusional imbeciles. Nevermind. I guess it just so happened that they had the same style and all. But I have a question, Why does Lady Gaga sound like a man? So is this a case of plain coincidence or is Xtina just hiding the fact she copied by saying that she doesn't know who Gaga is? Or was it a case of frame from the fans of Gaga? You decide! Feel free to comment! Much love, Airotciv Faghag Of The Century


Christina Aguilera

A bunch of remixes have been circulated by Christina Aguilera's camp to hype Christina's setlist in clubs worldwide. A Chris Cox Megamix was included in the mix. Chris Cox did do one for Britney Spears too...The Megamix features Christina's chart topping hits.


More Remixes

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Dirrty Gossip:
Ashanti's Performance at Route 66 Casino’s Legends Theater in New Mexico 


Please focus on two things, those thighs and the whole getup.

I thought girls often wore black leggings/tights to hide away cellulite.

Much love,
Faghag Of The Century
Dirrty Gossip:

Mariah's Saggy Boobs

Dirrty Gossip: Mariah's Saggy Boobs She really needs a push up bra. Those look like cow tits. Such a fashion crime! Much love, Airotciv Faghag Of The Century

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