
Christina's KGB video out soon...

Its been forever for Christina's Keeps Gettin' Better to be released!!!
Fans even speculate there wont be any video due to the fact that its almost 2 months after the radio release.

But it is scheduled to premiere the day before Halloween, October 30th. The director for the music video was Peter Berg, the same director of the movie Hancock.

Apparently the main reason why it took the production team some time to produce the video due to the fact that there are lot of CGI stuff.

anyways, some still shots below...

Photobucket Photobucket

chart tracks:
The Billboard Hot 100

Once a week, i will feature a chart from somewhere around the world.
This week, the US Singles Charts! Enjoy!

tracks without the total download counts are tracks which are newly uploaded.
an indication, so you wont download the same track twice...

Billboard Hot 100 (11/01/2008 edition)
LW - TW - Artiste - Song
2 - 1 - T.I. - Whatever You Like 4
3 - 2 - T.I. - Live Your Life (feat Rihanna) 64 downloads
4 - 3 - Pink - So What 141 downloads
1 - 4 - Britney Spears - Womanizer 220 downloads
5 - 5 - Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
6 - 6 - Rihanna - Disturbia - 88 downloads
7 - 7 - Rudolf Kevin - Let It Rock (feat Lil' Wayne) 3.5
9 - 8 - Ne-Yo Miss Independent 19 downloads *DEAD LINK*
N - 9 - Taylor Swift - Fearless
8 - 10 - T-Pain Can't Believe It 3

Comes with Lyrics
Album artwork included
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dirrtysean HEARTS very much!!!
Hotness rating (1-5)


Britney's Birthday Bash!

gossip + video:
Britney's Birthday!

As requested by Boss. The Britney Birthday Bash/performance video.

Britney will be performing on Good Morning America live on the 2nd December which,
is the date of release of her album Circus and also her birth-day.

Hence this cheesy / teeny booper-ish video to promote it.
* It being more like her birthday than anything else

Sure she looks, uh, normal, but what's with the "Don't you dare miss me..." , "How sweet is that"
*sticking finger into cake and licking it off. 
(Think an overgrown woman acting like she is having her Sweet 16 birthday bash)

*Throws pink glitter and confetti*

Besides, she looks like she is gonna give a rendition of baby one more time anytime, or how about Sometimes.

Party people, beware, those dark black swirls/lines on her birthday cake, may be herbs from Britney. (read previous gossip)
and not your actual Godiva dark chocolate swirls.


Much love,
Faghag Of the Century

Sandcastle Disco

This is my 2nd fave song from her album! another underrated artists.. thanks to beyonce's big shadow! anyways, check out the vid.. its very cooolz!


Original Track

Music Video

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dirrtysean HEARTS very much!!!
Hotness rating (1-5)


remixes + video:
Lady Gaga
Poker Face

Lady Gaga is the new queen of style! she's always on fire!
anyways, below are remixes to her new song and also the video.. just out!!!


Original Track

Music Video

Comes with Lyrics
Album artwork included
Password protected
dirrtysean HEARTS very much!!!
Hotness rating (1-5)

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