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If U Seek Amy

Feb 26th, 2009; 2:23 pm (GMT+8) 2

Remixes of Britney's If U Seek Amy track...
I'm seeking for Amy!!! Are you???


Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy

Jan 11th, 2009; 7:00 pm (GMT+8) 0

It's OFFICIAL and I'm OFFICIAL slow in posting this... been very buzzay!
So it's official that If U Seek Amy is the third single of her album Circus! Written by the same dude who gave her, her first #1 hit and first single ever - Max Martin.

If you say "If U Seek Amy" out loud you can hear yourself saying "F-U-C-K Me"
So, if you want to be notti in the clubs... you know what to say ;)

Dirrty Gossip:

Britney Spears Interview & Performance At NV Best Artist 2008

Dec 17th, 2008; 10:03 pm (GMT+8) 0
Dirrty Gossip:
Britney Spears Interview & Performance At NV Best Artist 2008

Like this performance?
Think it is better than her other performances?

You decide!

Much love,
Faghag Of The Century
Dirrty Gossip:

Britney Spears Performs "Womanizer" On HEY!HEY!HEY!

Dec 16th, 2008; 9:01 pm (GMT+8) 1
Dirrty Gossip:
Britney Spears Performs "Womanizer" On HEY!HEY!HEY!

I prefer Circus to this song, the "Womanizer" era is kinda out now,
time to move on to the rest of her songs!

As for the video, you guys decide on the verdict!

Much love,
Faghag Of The Century

Britney Spears - Circus Album Review

Dec 11th, 2008; 11:50 am (GMT+8) 11
Britney Spears
"Circus" Album Review

Dirrty Double Trouble is back doing Britney Spears this week!

Album Review:

Circus is Britney's 6th studio album. It managed to sell half a million since its debut last week in the US.

One would expect this album judging from her #1 lead single to be Blackout 2.0 - filled with dancey fast paced songs. But after listening to it, it has a fair share of fast and slow songs.

My fave song of this album is Unusual You, produced by Avant and Bloodshy. She definitely got the big guns in the industry for her latest effort. Imagine how much her label has spent on this. I didnt like the track Circus at first, then i got hooked by the pre-chorus hook. The other song that caught my attention is If U Seek Amy. I'm puzzled at first on what the song is about. One would think it's about Amy Winehouse... then slowly towards drugs. But apparently its about sex... I(f) (U) See(k) A(my)... Put it all togther, you'll get FUCKME... that's what i read online. Don't know how true is it or not...

My dirrty partner, has a selective track by track review...

Track Review:

  • Circus: We all have heard it, it is upbeat, and dancey pretty much.

  • Shattered Glass: Another dancey track, might be better with remixes.

  • My Baby: Sounds a lil like her old track Everytime, rather slow and emotional.

  • Unusual You: Sounds really different from her usual tracks. DURH! Unusual

: I'm not giving any rating. Just because...

This is really an album for a Britney fan, after drama mama antics, she's back hoping to be better than ever. Is she? We'll see!

I find the album overall a bit turnoff-ish, due to the fact that her voice sounds very weird and different on each track.

signing off,
Dirrty Sean and Clean Airotciv

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