
Ain't No Other Man

Aug 26th, 2009; 10:10 am (GMT+8) 1

Christina Aguilera's lead single off her Back to Basics album...

You got soul, you got class.
You got style with your bad ass
Ain't no other man its true
Ain't no other man but you.



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Can't Hold Us Down

Jul 30th, 2009; 2:30 pm (GMT+8) 0

Christina Aguilera went all black and ghetto with this single. It's Christina fourth single off her critically aclaimed album, Stripped. It's about female empowerment and the double standards in society.


The Voice Within

May 27th, 2009; 12:30 pm (GMT+8) 0

As requested, I've decided to post this underrated Christina Aguilera track out of the many tracks she has. It's her 5th single of her hit album, Stripped and it's one of my fave Christina inspiration ballads. So not much to say bout this track but just trust the voice within.


the dirrty mixtape (issue#02)

May 23rd, 2009; 11:20 am (GMT+8) 0

Remember the times during the early 90s where mixtapes are such a hot thing. It's corny and cheesey but ever so fun. I can still remember the days where i stick by the radio waiting for the DJ to play THAT track. When he does, i hit the REC button! HAHA! Those were the days. So yeap! I'm bringing back the cheese and corn that made mixtapes so coool with this new section called "the dirrty mixtape". It's not really a mixtape mixtape. It's more like a collection ofd track that fits a specific theme.

For this second issue, we will focus on those breakups/relationships that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth! Yea! Songs that make you wanna go "F*ck You" to the freaking guy/gal! haha! So, in this collection, both me, dirrtysean and rickified came up with a list of our own.

the dirrty mixtape: the bitter collection ( rickified's choice)
the dirrty mixtape: the bitter collection ( dirrtysean's choice)

I have zipped up all the tracks listed above in a zip.

Previous Issues

credit: graphic by pinkparis1233


Apr 8th, 2009; 12:30 pm (GMT+8) 0
christina aguilera fighter remixes mp3 download track

This is one of my fave Christina Aguilera song. It's a good song for the gym. Makes you work much strong and it makes you a fighter! I have included the demo version of the track. It's not as good as the original!

Demo Version

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